Thursday 20 August 2009

What is the Deal???

So, I knew moving to suburbia would have its downsides--which, in honesty have been very few. But I was reminded of one a couple of Saturdays ago.
We didn't have the kids that Saturday, so sleeping until (at least) noon was very much the plan.
When the doorbell rang just shy of 11am, I hopped up remembering that I had placed an Amazon order the day before. By the time I was half way down the stairs, I remembered that my Amazon items were being delivered to the who the heck was at the door?

Maybe it was the next door neighbour kids who threw yet another football into our yard wanting it repatriated. Nope. Jehovah's Witnesses.
Not two young, attractive young men in suits on bikes with narrow black ties--but two old ladies, wanting me to discuss my beliefs with them. All credit to them, they had some very leading questions that...were I not better practiced at the art of avoiding religious discussion, I may have fallen for it. Back to bed I scampered.

Not 15 minutes later, another ring of the doorbell. Who could it be this time? Maybe this time it's the neighbour kid. Nope. Window & Siding Salesman.
Man...what gives?!

If I want to seek out Jesus, I'll go to church. If I want to buy new windows or replace my garage door with vinyl siding--I've got people for that. LEAVE ME ALONE!

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