Sunday 2 August 2009

STAYcation 2009 - Week 1

This year, for a variety of reasons, we decided not to take a big vacation trip with the girls, so instead of travelling abroad, we decided to enjoy the fact that we live in Greater London. Apparently, this is a common phenomenon this year that has been coined a "staycation."

The girls arrived on Sunday and we did a little demolition in the garden to make way for more grass, less shrubbery. I have to say that Sulley is not impressed to see his hidey hole levelled, but he'll adjust.
Here are a few shots of Paulster and his little helpers, Drama and Blondie:


On Monday, we had a lazy day of lounging around the house, watching movies, napping, etc. our staycation was off to a flying start!
And no staycation can start without dessert...Blondie and Drama helped me make a Victoria Sponge cake on our lazy first day.

On Tuesday, we rolled the dice on the weather and headed out early to Legoland in Windsor. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected it to be and the sun came out to make it a lovely day.
Blondie braved the Log Flume and we all rode the Dragon ride twice. We were really tired by the end of the day and slept well.
Here are a few shots:




As the name suggests, nearly everything is made of Legos--dragons, life-size people in the park, mini-cities...spectacular.




A great day at Legoland! We always enjoy it, but it made me want to find a more adult-oriented theme park to get on some big rides!

Wednesday was a very long day. We started early by going on a tour of The Globe--which was really cool. Blondie had been wanting to go visit all year, since she studied about it in school. The pictures are sub-standard, because we were nearly to the tube station when I realised I've left my new camera at the house. We decided to use the mobile phone for pics on this day instead of going back for it.

We got there early, because on days when there's a matinee show, if you don't tour...turns out this was a day for re-setting to Helen of Troy. Here's a pic of the stage being re-set.

And a shot of the actors just before they started rehearsing (when cameras are forbidden!)


After The Globe tour, we had pizza for lunch and then we were off to the London Aquarium. It's been re-done recently. They had a great collection of Sea Horses and of course...sharks. My personal favourite was the piranha tank.

By the end of the time at the Aquarium, Blondie and I had managed to get separated from Drama and Paulster...and, we needed a break, so off we went to the nearby Starbucks for a Caramel Frap (lite, of course). That's where they found us a little while later.

After our rest, we went shopping a bit and then made our way to a pub where several of Paulster's colleagues were gathering to "celebrate" their leaving the company en masse. Seems to be a bit of an epidemic for our company lately...

We were late getting home that night (see photos of Drama below--fell asleep and therefore, was subjected to our entertainment on the tube ride home)... so we decided to early mornings in a row deserved a lie in [sleep in].



On Thursday, we had brunch and then went shopping to get the girls some new dresses and bits and pieces. On Friday, we amped it up gently with another lie in and then off to Richmond for a trip down memory lane. We went for a swim at the pool where we used to go all the time. They have a great slide and turn on the waves periodically! The pool was surprisingly empty for a summer afternoon...but it could have something to do with the renovation going on in there. We discovered that if we'd waited until the next summer holiday week to go swimming, we'd have been stuck. The pool will be under renovation during that time! Whew!
After swimming, we went into Richmond by the river and ate at of our favourite restaurants. Several of you who visited in Richmond will recall dining at Tootsies with us!


Another late night of tube riding...this time, none of our party fell asleep on the tube journey, so we played I-spy (or is it Eye-Spy?) for entertainment...

And that was the first week of our Staycation...gone in the blink of an eye. Our second week of staycation will be later in August!

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