Saturday 5 July 2008

Primed to Perfection

We've now been homeowners for 10 weeks now. In the first week or two, we launched into action by stripping wallpaper and tearing up carpet in nearly every room. After the professionals got started, our activity came to a screeching halt. So, apparently, this weekend was the time for us to spring back into action. It was really our only chance to get the kitchen and bathroom painted before all the cabinets, tile and worktops get installed completely--making the job that much more difficult. More importantly, it would require a level of precision that we probably cannot muster.

Here's a picture of the kitchen now that it's got 1 coat of primer on it--all the walls and ceiling!

Primed kitchen

After vacuuming and covering everything in neon yellow masking tape, we managed to get the actual painting started by 4pm. We lost the natural light in the house after we got 1 complete coat on all the walls and ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom. Not too bad a start, but we have a long way to go tomorrow!

Wish us luck.


Hachie Gal said...

You don't need any are doing a great job. Just hang in there....

Anonymous said...

Looking Good!