Wednesday 2 July 2008

Hello Ruislip!

Well, this won't be a long post...just a little taster of the mess that is in Ruislip, waiting on us to settle in.
Here is a picture of our bedroom, where 50% of the boxes, artwork, furniture, etc. are being "self-stored" at the moment.
It wasn't helpful that I didn't notice the movers bringing in the "sky box" [cable box/tivo]...and it ended up at the front of this room. Big Freddy had to traverse the chaos to retrieve it so that we didn't miss recording any of our favourite shows!

Here is a picture of the guest room, in it's capacity as a self-storage unit. We expect it to be much improved by the time we entertain guests at the house!

...yes, that's my Granny's pink painted piano stool turned upside down on all that stuff!

Also, this morning before work, we were over at the house paying the builder another instalment, when the kitchen arrived!!! Having mapped out the island, we also discovered it may be a smidge too big for the area as there will be a little exchange of cabinetry, then it's all good... oops!

We just need to pick out the kitchen floor tiles, make final decisions on the granite worktops [countertops] and start picking out wallpaper/paint.


Hachie Gal said...

hey...a minor blip on the bigger move in need some of these things to make the story interesting upon the retelling in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

Such an adventure Cyn already but the real one is just about to begin!