Saturday 19 July 2008

Painting Help

On the Sunday, we painted our arms off...12 hours of nearly straight painting meant a second coat of the white primer on all the walls and ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen. Then, we launched in with the colour [color]. We managed one finish coat of white on the ceilings and a single coat of colour on the walls. We needed at least one more coat of both to call it good...but we didn't have time that day.

We left the Ruislip house after 2am on Sunday (Monday morning, technically), and I had to be up at 4:30am for an early flight to Munich for a client meeting. So, I had a "nap" of 1 hour. Not really the best start to the week.

I returned from Munich on Tuesday night. Wednesday night was slated as another painting night--so we enlisted a few more pair of arms.
Sven and Banana Eating Paint
Introducing Sven and Banana--pretending to eat the paint. We're really fortunate that these two only live 2 tube stops away from us. They were a big help to get the final ceiling coat on in both the bathroom and kitchen--and as you can see, a pair that can be goofy enough to make nights out (or in) fun!

We decided to wait on the final colour coat in both rooms, as there's still lots of knocking about and fixtures & cupboards [cabinets] to be hung. On the advice of the builder, we'll do the finish colour coat once they're gone. His advice was "the painter should be the last one out of the house". Sadly, we'll just have to be extra careful when we put on that finish coat!

Here is a shot of the kitchen with the colour coat on.
Kitchen Nearly There2

There's lots more to tell about the last 2 weeks, but it's just too late to finish the story tonight. I'll do another post or three tomorrow!

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