Friday, 16 July 2010

Forgetting Something Important

Ok, so things have been a little quiet lately on the 'ol blog. Before I get any more wise cracks from readers who have been really, really patient waiting on a post...
It's not like there's been nothing to report. (you may have to read that sentence twice...excessive use of negatives)

In the past few months, there's been almost too much going on to keep up with.
Here's a the order in which my brain pulls it up:
1) Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood in concert
2) Norah Jones in concert
3) Rob Schneider's stand up show in a giant upside down purple cow...yes, there will be pictures of that posted. You kind of have to see it to believe it...
4) Watched Paul and his sister run a 10K
5) Flown back and forth to Texas time routing through Canada to see Banana and Sven and the splendour of Niagara Falls
6) Watched my brother marry a lovely, sweet woman who complements him beautifully
7) Hugged ALL 4 of my nephews and their parents
8) Eaten sushi with my mom
9) Experienced the wonders of XpresSpa in the airport
10) Shopped with my favourite Aunt
11) Read several books (Julia Child's My Life in France was a highlight--thank you LB2!
12) Laughed hysterically while watching Total Wipeout
13) Had a great night out with several girlfriends and their friends
14) Went to my 20 year High School reunion
15) Recalled some of the most fun moments of my life that I would never, ever want to repeat
16) Baked (and ate) lots of chocolate chip cookies and even shared some of them with the neighbours
17) Planned my summer holiday to Paris and a weekend trip to Zurich
...and countless other things.
All that...and no blog posts?! What's up?

The truth is, I've been feeling a little sorry for myself...mainly due to a health issue that is NOTHING compared to what many people I know and love have been through...but nonetheless has impaired my running and other activities I enjoy, my overall energy levels and generally left me feeling blue. I'm not real good at coping with situations that I cannot control and this is one of those things that I can't fix on my own. (I know that the fact that I'm a control freak will be quite a revelation to all my blog readers out there!...sorry for springing it on you like that).

I was walking to the bus stop the other day to go somewhere...when I was reminded to count the blessings in my life rather than focussing on the negatives. The road where I catch the bus has a Crematorium/Funeral Home on it, so seeing a funeral procession isn't an unusual experience. But this day, a hearse rolled past with a gleaming white casket in it... I didn't need to know who she was to know she was someone special. The faces of the people in the family cars and trailing vehicles said it all...

I am grateful to the woman in the casket who was obviously so dear to so many for reminding that I have my life, my friends, my family and I need to be grateful for that, living my life to the fullest. And with that, it will be a good long while before I revisit the pit of despair I've been allowing myself to crawl into lately.

1 comment:

Hachie Gal said...

well said...will take a page out of your book.