Thursday 29 July 2010

One More Sleep 'Til Paris

I can't believe that we're already to the end of July and just one more month of summer to go. But that does mean that tomorrow morning, Paulster, Drama, Blondie (who's on the verge of being renamed Drama2) and I will set off on the Eurostar for a week in Paris.
That part of the adventure isn't what I'm looking forward to...been there, done that.
The part that I'm looking forward to is watching Drama and Blondie discover Paris, as a city.
Blondie has gotten to work on learning the french names for all types of fruit and a few other words. Some of it she'd learned in school, but she's definitely interested in it. Favourite French word so far...Pamplemousse.
We'll see how much she's willing to say out loud to a french waiter!

We've watched Dr. Who's encounter with Vincent Van Gough and of course they want to go up the Eiffel Tower. With a whole city to explore and a day or two in Disneyland Paris, we might need a vacation to recover from our vacation when we get back!


Hachie Gal said...

enjoy...catch up when you get back.

Anonymous said...

Salut Cyn et tous, je te souhaites une bonne vacances à Paris... C u soon in Zurich.