Sunday 9 November 2008

Trick or Treat--UK Style

Last weekend was Halloween and we had Drama and Blondie for 6 days over their mid-term break. We went to Sheffield over the weekend to see Paulster's family. The girls got to go Trick or Treating with their cousins.
Here's a picture of the whole motley crew! Drama and Cousin A were devils--obviously. And Blondie and Suzie Q were witches.

For me, watching the UK style of Trick or Treating was amusing. This is clearly a society that has picked up the activity and tried to make it a tradition from watching films and TV from the US, without the benefit of the protocol that underlies it.

In the US, we'd only go houses that had the lights on--clearly, if the lights aren't on, then no one there wants to participate. The kids here don't know that, so even though we'd turned off the lights at Nanny's house and people were still ringing the doorbell all night.
And here, when the kids would go to a house that was lighted, thinking someone in there had candy for them, sometimes, there'd be no answer. Then, the kids would spot someone moving in the house and want to keep ringing the doorbell until someone answered. It was like calling off a pack of wolves! :)
And it wasn't the orderly procession through the neighbourhood from one lighted house to another...Instead, we went from one of Cousin A's friend's houses to the next.

We went to Sheffield and back on the train. Here are a few pictures of us goofing around with chocolate eyeballs on the train ride home.



It was a good weekend of fun and family.

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