Tuesday 26 August 2008

2 Down, 4 to Go

Catching up on the blog...

We hung wall paper--well, lining paper, which I painted. Paulster glossed the skirting boards and we also glossed the doors/frames & radiator...And the amateurs re-hung the radiators and it does not leak!!!

The gloss paint for the wood and metal work had a really, really strong paint smell. It took us two days to do all the gloss painting and the first night, Paulster was nearly overcome with the fumes. His technique slows him down a bit, but it sure did make for a nice finish.
Paulster's Painting Technique

When I was telling how stinky the gloss was, one of my colleagues told me of a little trick to keep the odor down...Half of an onion in each corner of the room.
Odd as it sounds, I did it for the 2nd day of glossing and it really worked.
An Onion in the corner

So all the painting was done in time for the carpet to be fitted on Friday, and company was arriving on Saturday afternoon.

We also built beds and dressed the rooms...Gee. that was a short sentence, but let me assure you, it was not nearly that simple...Flat pack furniture that nearly shows everything you need to know and almost has all the diagrams that are necessary not to have to guess at a step or two.

Anyway, now we have two rooms of 6 that are as done as they were going to get before our first visitors arrived. And we couldn't be more proud that we were able to work our buns off to get it all done in time. We'll take the rest of it at a more leisurely pace.

Blondie and Drama's rooms are now just missing curtains.
Here's how they look.
Blondie's Room first.
Blondie's Room - Finished

Now for Drama's Room.
Drama's Room - Finished

So that left us with several happy campers with lots of places to sleep. Blondie, Drama and SuzieQ trying out Drama's bed.
Happy Campers

The family arrived and we had several days of fun. I missed out on some of the good times because I had to go to work, and then an emergeny trip to Dallas cut my visit with them short.
But it sounded like there was lots of fun had touring Wembley Stadium, Seeing Houses of Parliament, Riding the boat out to the O2 Arena, and exploring Ruislip.
Here's a picture of the whole fam damily! ;)
The Whole Fam Damily

Hopefully, the first of many visitors to the new house!


Anonymous said...

wow - looking good - the hard work has definitely paid off... even though, looking at Paulster doing his work I'm surprised you were able to finish one room in time, let alone two ;-)... can't wait to see the real thing.


Rox said...

It is looking great, and I can't wait to come visit...at least in 2012, but hopefully much sooner!

Did any work get done while you were in the U.S.???? :)


Hachie Gal said...

impressive, Cyn...what a transformation!