Tuesday 27 May 2008


Well, if you read the last post, you heard that we mowed the grass at our new house for the first time this past weekend. Before we could mow, we had to assemble the lawnmower--which we did in the living room with not one tool.

Here's a picture of Paul--which you really need a soundbyte to fully appreciate--you would have thought it was a new Ferrari with the revving noises he was making, as he pretended to contain it's fury in the living room...
Paul with his fancy mower

And here's a picture of me mowing the front garden [yard]. It's really just a small patch of grass--currently with an evergreen bush of some sort in the middle of it.
That will be dug up this weekend to [hopefully] make way for a Rose Bush from Paul's mom's garden and some lavender.

Cyn in the Front Garden

Yes, that orange cord over my shoulder is my technique for avoiding mowing back over the power cord! :)
I was very relieved to finally get the yard cut. I was sure that by neglecting it for a few weeks that we'd start off on the wrong foot with the neighbours. So far, no complaints! But, in fairness, we've only met one neighbour. We're not in Texas--so far, no welcome wagon...

The back garden [yard] is monumentally bigger than the front, so that actually took us a little bit of time to complete.

We may have already upset the eco-system of our back garden [yard], as Paul mowed over a frog near the greenhouse at back of the garden. Thankfully, he wasn't chopped into little froggy pieces or officially dead at the scene--from what I could tell, just a bit nicked on one of his little legs. I'll have to give you an update later--fingers crossed that he wasn't fatally wounded. I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I got back over there!
...In Paul's defense, the little hopper must not be too sharp to begin with, if he didn't move as the large noisy mower came near him. Maybe frogs are deaf? "Write your opinion on the back of a £20 note and mail it to me"...Prize for the first person to write a blog comment that tells what the phrase in quotes is a reference to...



Hachie Gal said...

the joys of home ownersip.

Brenda E. said...

Hey Cynthia!
I'm happy I checked my junk folder cause your blog announcement was in there. I'm glad I'll be able to keep up with your life in London now. Jim and I just moved back to OK and have a yard not much bigger than yours! We love it! We may be buying one of those electric mowers soon ourselves. For now, we're having someone mow it (which seems sort of ridiculous since it takes him literally 10 minutes!) love ya, BJ

Anonymous said...

hmm.. the only comment I can connect it with is Serendipity?? But i'm a film buff and connect everything with movies :)

Unknown said...

I love it! The lawnmower is huge!!!